Beauty Tips

A New Hair Colour for the New Year

Posted on December 24, 2017 at 8:05 pm

New Year, new you. This is a mantra that many people live by, helping them to make positive changes in the new year. What could be more positive than getting a new look you are going to love? This will really help to boost your confidence, and help you enter the new year in style.

If you are thinking about a new colour, choose one that is going to work as a long-term choice. It is always going to be a challenge to maintain and keep a new colour. Discuss the practicalities of your choice with your hairdresser and make sure it is going to work with your current base colour. This is also a good chance to discuss your colour options and sit down with your stylist to talk through the outcome of your colour.

Make sure you have a skin test before your colour to check that you are not allergic to it.

Posted in Beauty Tips

Balayage – Subtle Hair Tones to Suit your Style

Posted on September 29, 2017 at 12:28 pm

Balayage is a hair colouring technique that will leave you with subtle, blended changes. Balayage is a form of highlighting or lowlighting hair, however it is more subtle due to the way in which it is woven through the hair. You can choose different colours for balayage and if you want to make a statement, you may even choose a bold colour like red or aqua to make the highlighted sections stand out.

You can get your balayage colouring done in any salon that offers hair colouring services. Make sure the stylist you select has experience with this colouring technique. They should spend some time going through your options with you and showing you the various colours you can choose from on the colour chart.

If this is your first colour, you will need to have a skin test to make sure you don’t react to the hair colour. You will often need to repeat this every 6 months – 1 year, as highlights don’t touch the scalp so don’t count as an updated skin test.

Posted in Beauty Tips

Finding the Right Moisturiser for your Skin

Posted on December 8, 2016 at 11:18 am

Moisturiser is an essential part of your everyday cleansing routine. It will prevent your skin from drying out by re-balancing it after cleansing and toning, making sure your skin stays healthy and clear. If you don’t use moisturiser, you risk getting dry skin, or alternatively, getting very greasy skin as your skin tries to moisturise itself. This could result in a shiny complexion and spots. Finding moisturiser that works with your skin is the best way to combat these negative skin complaints:

  • Take into account your skin type. You could have oily skin, dry skin or combination skin – if you’re not sure, monitor your skin throughout the day to see how it changes.
    • If you notice oily skin all over or on your T-zone, choose a light oil-free moisturiser to help control this.
    • If you have dry, tight skin, select moisturiser that is more nourishing.
  • Consider getting a different night moisturiser. This can be the ideal way to hydrate your skin without using a heavy cream that will make your skin feel greasy during the day.
  • If you need some advice, speak to a skin care professional. They will be able to look at your skin, ask relevant questions about your skin type and recommend products specifically for you. Don’t be afraid to ask for testers before committing to a full-size product. This will give you the chance to try out the products and see how your skin reacts.
  • Choose a moisturiser with SPF in it. This is good for everyone, regardless of skin type. Sun damage is one of the most aging factors for your skin, so the more you can do to protect it, the better.

Finding the right moisturiser for you is an integral part of making your skin look great, giving you that healthy glow that everyone aspires to. If you don’t find the right beauty products straight away, don’t give up – try something else, give it a few weeks to see what happens and then make your decision.

Posted in Beauty Tips

Learning how to Contour with your Makeup

Posted on September 29, 2016 at 10:00 am

Contouring is a popular makeup technique that you can use to give your facial features definition. It uses light and shadow to enhance your natural look, helping you to make the most of your bone structure and face shape.

Contouring has taken the world of fashion and beauty by storm in recent years and many celebrities have adopted it as part of their daily routine. We have put together a guide to teach you how to contour your face and achieve the best results without having to invest in new and expensive products:

  1. Begin with a layer of foundation. This will give you an even, smooth base to begin working with.
  2. Suck in your cheeks to make your cheekbones stand out. Begin working in the hollow underneath them, adding a line of cream bronzer or darker foundation in a diagonal line going up towards your ear.
  3. Map your face using the same bronzer or foundation. You can put some on your temples to narrow your forehead, put some near to tip of your nose to minimise it, or trace underneath your chin to slim your face down.
  4. Use a damp blending sponge to merge the darker areas with your base layer of foundation. Use small circular motions and don’t be too heavy-handed.
  5. Use a highlighter to create lighter areas underneath your eyes, around your brow bone and above your top lip. This should never come into contact with the darker areas – keep them separate to keep the illusion of light and shade. Again, blend well.
  6. Apply a light touch of blusher, then dust your face with a translucent powder to keep your makeup in place.

Posted in Beauty Tips

Lips: Don’t Leave Them Out of your Look

Posted on April 20, 2016 at 1:09 pm

Many celebrities are currently enhancing their lips by using cosmetic surgery. Whilst cosmetic surgery or lip fillers are a dramatic step to take in order to change your appearance, there are other ways of making sure that you lips are noticed. Here are some tips:

  1. Wear a brightly-coloured lipstick. Bold reds, pinks and corals are very fashionable at the moment and with summer coming, bright colours are only going to increase in popularity.
  2. Use a lip liner. The liner you choose should match the colour of your lipstick, otherwise you will end up with an unattractive outline. However, a well-applied lip liner will keep your lipstick neat and will make it stand out.
  3. Select long-lasting colours. Some lipsticks will rub off quickly and you won’t be able to benefit from the colour without the need to re-apply. There are options that will actually stain the lips, so you might want to consider one of these.
  4. Choose more expensive lipsticks. These will last longer and will give you a more intense colour.
  5. Find lip glosses that will plump you lips. Some are clear and can be applied over the top of your lip colour. They will often tingle for a while and the result will be a better pout that will look great in photographs.

Posted in Beauty Tips

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